A table set for two people.

A table set for two people. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are many different styles and types of hotel furniture. The design, manufacture and sales of hotel furniture is a very large industry. Usually what hotels want in hotel furniture is a combination of durability, attractiveness and value. Balancing these considerations is the key for any manufacturer of hotel furniture.

One way that hotel furniture manufacturers achieve great value pricing for their products is through economies of scale. When a manufacturer receives an order from a hotel chain, they may be able to manufacture 10,000 or more of the same piece of hotel furniture. This allows them to purchase raw materials in bulk and streamline the manufacturing and shipping process so that the price of each item goes down. Sometimes people think of hotel furniture as generic and boring because of its mass-produced nature, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Hotels are taking greater care in recent years to order hotel furniture that is both comfortable and attractive.

Hotel furniture design has improved a lot over the years as hotel chains take greater care to distinguish their brand of hotel from their competitors. One way that a hotel can make an impression on guests is through its hotel furniture. While a hotel must consider the costs of furnishing many rooms, they also have to consider their guests and try to ensure their brand loyalty. Many hotels are putting more thought and investment into their hotel furniture to improve their image with customers.

Durability is extremely important in good hotel furniture. Hotel guests often do not treat hotel rooms with much respect because they have no ownership over anything there. They are simply staying in the room for a day or two and going on their way, so they sometimes can be rough on the furniture and cause a lot of wear and tear. The hotel owner, however, is counting on being able to rent the same room out over and over without constantly having to make repairs or buy replacement furniture. For this reason, hotel furniture often is designed to be extra durable and may have thicker legs on the chairs, a tougher surface on the tables, and thicker wood on the dressers than similar items designed for private homes. Bargain hunting homeowners would be wise to place inquiries with their local upscale hotels about purchasing their old hotel furniture. The durability and value of hotel furniture can add a great piece to a person’s home for very little cost.

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